Once, like you, I was afraid to embrace the convenient. But now, I've made peace with a comfortable riding position, gears, fenders and a kickstand. What the Hell, I'll put a mirror on my eyeglasses! Did I mention my yellow illuminite jacket purchased on-sale from Nashbar?
These Fredishnesses are no more aesthetically objectionable than other goofy, I mean hip, trends in bikes. Riding's the cake. Why hate the frosting?
Here's a link to my favorite bike porn page. Notice the delicious single and double kickstands.
"In fact I find such pleasure in my kickstand that I wish I had a double."
- a double what? -headed dildo?
I think finding pleasure from kickstands is illegal in many states
Just looked at the link, there are some pretty cool bikes in there - makes me want to go touring.
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