Here is the kid touring road bike I've just finished fixing up. I bought it for Harris, but Claire loves it too. It's a 1991 37cm Schwinn Caliente. I paid $35 for the bike, overhauled the hubs and added another $50 or so for tires, tubes and bar tape.

I purchased the bike from a guy named Jeremy at
Belfry bikes. He and a couple of others fix up old bikes so they can be ridden once again.
Today, I see some of Jeremy's Belfry bikes received mention in
Bike Snob NYC. Bike Snob says the following on Jeremy's Cyberpunk Schwinn - Tricentenial Edition theme bike:
This could very well be the world's geekiest theme bike.. .. The only thing that would make this bike better would be a second lever that repels girls, but the fact is that it's probably not necessary since the bike itself is sufficiently dorky to ensure the rider's eternal virginity." I guess no press is bad press, even if it means an end to your genetic legacy.
It's cool to be able link my kids' bike, ala Kevin Bacon, to Bike Snob NYC. The Caliente is beast regardless.