Hobo camped the Luce Line. Our hobo dinner pictures are best appreciated expanded. Steak, brats, a couple of different types of chicken and beans all cooked over our camp fire. Wonderful. The cookies, candy, and sampler of freeze-dried stroganoff, beef stew and pasta Alfredo were good too.

Long Haul Trucker loaded. At one time in addition to gear and food, I had over two gallons of water strapped on. Water weights 8.35 lbs per gallon;
I estimate I had over 20lbs of liquid alone on the bike.

Sean's Nob trailer and cyclocross bike with +plush seat.

George's single speed Trek 700 with homemade trailer.
It was brilliant to put a backpack on the trailer as a bag.

Q's single speed Cross-Check with Bob sporting
a clever homemade handlebar bag.

Jared's Salsa La Cruz with new compact crank and cassette.
Nice size Jandd frame bag for easy access to stuff.

Looking forward to next year!