Here's my latest order of green coffee beans from
Sweet Maria's. I chose lots of smaller lots, as I haven't tried any of these coffees before. I hope to find some new favorites.
Peru Organic Cusco Canelon Small Producers - 2 lbs
Brazil Cup of Excellence - Fazenda Sertaozinho - 1 lbs
Ethiopia Organic Shakiso Sidamo 'Maduro' - 2 lbs
Sumatra Grade 1 Mandheling - 2 lbs
Tanzania Nyamtimbo Peaberry - 2 lbs
Ethiopia FTO DP Sidamo Shoye Union - 2 lbs
Sulawesi Wet-Process Toarco Flatbean - 2 lbs
Kenya Kiambu Peaberry - Riuki - 2 lbs
Costa Rica Finca La Ponderosa 100% Bourbon - 2 lbs
Ethiopia Organic Yirga Cheffe, Koke Coop - 1 lbs