Great fun at the Winter Bike Expo again this year; A friendly face hooked me up with a new Surly Krumpus to get dirty. Relaxed and knowledgeable staff schooled me on lighting a fire in water, on studding a tire and on importance of Anti-Seize's sacrificial anodes which prevent galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals. Oh yeah, they gave me a free mug too.
Karl Stoerzinger showing studded tires, wheel guts and a better way to patch a tube.
(If your the employee with an orange Troll, ask about Karl's knife and your bike.)
Yup, he built a fire in a puddle. Don Clark presented on winter bike packing/camping and shared an inspiring slide presentation on a trip to the frozen North.
Part of Pete Hamer's talk on winterizing your bike. The slide shows different chain materials response to caustic elements, technical and fun information. Who knew about the dangers of grease incompatibility?
Krumpus rider heading away from the ramp I was too scared to go over.
780mm Wammy Bars put almost 31" of leverage into the Krumpus' steering. I need to rethink my hacksaw happy tendencies regarding handle bars.
Pogies and a disco ball, perfect
Pugsley frames lead to a happy face.
Loads of different riders being eagarly handed bikes.
Again, I appreciate the casual and approachable attitudes of Freewheel staff, vendors and presenters. I'll be back next year.